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Copy of About North Star Brands

Welcome to North Star Brands . . .

Suffice it to say that 2020 will be remembered as a year marked by heartbreak, grief, and unfathomable loss. Yet, even during dark times like these, we are reminded of our Lord’s cry from the cross “Father, father, why have thou forsaken me,” or the prophetic words from Isaiah, “I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.” Throughout the Old and New Testaments, the theme of hope is a ubiquitous narrative, one that is often tied to notions of transition and renewal, the most important being everlasting life in the risen body of Christ.

Within this context, I am pleased to announce the day to day management transition of North Star Brands from Tony Warenzak to myself. Over the years, many of you came to know Tony as the “face” of North Star Brands, a friendly and knowledgeable voice who was tirelessly committed to serving our loyal customer base. In the true entrepreneurial spirit, Tony has decided to pursue other business endeavors that hold a special place within his heart.

As the co-founder and managing partner for North Star Brands, I have recently taken hold of the Company’s reigns and look forward to providing you with an equal level of knowledge and service. I warmly welcome you to peruse our website and view the different categories of products and services tailored to your worship needs.

Wishing you an abundance of hope during these difficult times. I remain at your humble service through the risen body of Our Lord.

Carol Warenzak
Call-Us: 706-840-8073